Emilio Frías: “I will never order the people to take to the streets”

Frías published a statement of support for Cubans, who have taken to the streets in several cities to protest since last Sunday, to demand freedom and basic rights from the regime, such as food and electricity.

Emilio Frías © Instagram del artista
Emilio Frias Photo © Instagram of the artist

The Cuban musicianEmilio Frias, orchestra directorThe Child and the Truth, expressed his total support for the Cuban people as a result of themassive protests unleashed on March 17 in Cuba, but he was categorical in his position: “I will never order the people to take to the streets.”

From Puerto Rico, where they performed just that day, Frías published this Tuesday a statement of support for the Cuban people, who have taken to the streets in several cities to protest since last Sunday, to demand freedom and basic rights from the regime, such as food and electricity.

“As I am always with my people and with my people, I did it in Cuba and I will do it abroad as well,” said the popular artist, while condemning the dictatorial regime that has prevailed for more than six decades in his country.

“I am with you whatever it is and whatever you do, I am with those who truly suffer and need a better Cuba anda government that responds to the interests of a people that does not deserve so much pain, not a dictatorship that has led that Island to misery and fear“said the singer.

He recalled that “'The courage' that a human being assumes in the face of injustice, abuse or violence towards his fellow human beings, will always be the most heroic act that a human being can assume, regardless of his religion, political position or status. social".

However, he urged his compatriots to act of their own free will and not because other people ordered them to do so, in clear reference to Cubans who from abroad incite residents on the island to rise up against the regime.

In this regard, he made his position clear: “I, Emilio Frías Omo Eleggua, Awo Orumila Iwori Meyi, Obonecue Erife Ecue Efi Acamaro and Empego Efi Musagara, will never order the people to take to the streets because I lived very closely what happened, "I will not live with the mental condemnation that because of me children go to prison and make their mothers suffer and suffer, nor that they leave their children alone without raising them."

"Enough of submission and abuse, Maceo's blood lives in us, never forget it, just do what your heart tells you, don't pay attention to anyone, nobody here is going to do anything for you, nobody and that's it." proven,” he stated.

“But if you keep in mind that….. 'Whoever is afraid of the price of freedom will die a slave.' Vivaaaa Cubaaaaa Libreeeee”, concluded the renowned salsa singer.

He had already said the phrase in 2023, in one of his repeated requests for freedom for the Cuban people. Due to his openly critical stance against the Cuban regime and following the premiere of his song “Cambio”, the artist wascensored on the island, which led him to settle in Mexico.

Frías accompanied his post this Tuesday with a very suggestive photograph, in which he appears reading the book “The Fear of Freedom”, by the psychoanalyst and philosopher of German-Jewish origin Erich Fromm.

The musician and his group are intour of the United States, and they played last Friday in Miami, the capital of the Cuban exile.

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