El B launches "Cuba awake": "My people take to the streets again demanding the freedom they deserve"

The Cuban rapper releases a song days after the March 17 protests.

A few days after the massive protests that began on March 17 in Cuba, Cuban rapper Bian Oscar Rodríguez Gala, better known as The B., presented a song in support of the protesters and the freedom of the island.

Under the title of "Cuba wakes up", El B released this rap song without a video clip on his YouTube account, where he is adding views and comments that applaud his lyrics and message.

"My people are once again taking to the streets demanding the freedom they deserve and that for more than six decades have been denied. All my support to those who persist in the struggle and keep alive the hope of definitive change. With you in mind, heart and spirit always. LONG LIVE CUBA LIBRE!!!!", the rapper wrote on Instagram to announce this musical release.

"My land cries out for its children, torn apart, that the debt of the spilled blood be settled and the morale of an entire people restored; that the winners who write history this time be the sincere ones. No more first of January in which those who love lie and they found under the yoke of those who hate and undo. And they take pleasure in their cult of destruction and involution, an insult they call “revolution,” raps El B in the song “Cuba Awakens.”

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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