Rapper El B releases song dedicated to Cubans: “The most important song I have written in my life”

"May it serve as an anthem of struggle and expression of the feelings of our people at this important and decisive moment in our history," said the artist.

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban rapper Bian Oscar Rodríguez, known as The B., released the song on Monday If no one obeys, no one commands, which he especially dedicated to “his brothers” on the island after the massive protests against the government of Miguel Díaz-Canel occurred on July 11.

“This is the most important song I have ever written in my life. Inspired by my people and their demand for freedom. May it serve as an anthem of struggle and expression of the feelings of our people at this important and decisive moment in our history,” said the artist on YouTube where he shared his creation.

“Thank you for the inspiration and for giving me back the hope of seeing a free Cuba for all Cubans. “Today more than ever the country contemplates you with pride,” he added.

“Our nation was taken over by gangsters and thieves, selling the island in pieces, building hotels, buying luxurious yachts, spending millions,” denounces the song by the popular rapper, former member of Los Aldeanos.

Days ago, B proposed the design of a 7/11 flag in honor of the protests on the island, ensuring that, from these, the month would take on a different meaning for Cubans, marking distance from the events of July 26, 1953, led by the late dictator Fidel Castro against the government of then president Fulgencio Batista.

“We no longer celebrate a date in which we were forced to march against our will showing 'support' for an egomaniacal tyrant, and his dictatorship. Now we celebrate the day when the people took to the streets demanding FREEDOM!!! United only by the feeling of their heart, without a 'leader,'” the artist explained.

Likewise, the Cuban rapper Aldo Rodríguez Baquero, popularly known as Aldo El Aldeano, shared on his social networks on Sunday, July 11, a song that he titled Freedom and love for my people.

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Michael Gonzalez

Cibercuba journalist. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana (2012). Co-founder of the independent magazine El Estornudo.

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