Cuban returns to the island after ten years and is traumatized by the hospitals

"What I saw I still don't have the courage to show," this nurse said in shock.

A Cuban, living in Germany, traveled to the island for the first time in ten years and was traumatized when visiting a hospital in Havana.

The TikTok userNana Dlakarus, a nurse by profession, said that she recently visited Cuba to see her grandmother who was admitted to a hospital.

"What I saw there, I still don't have the courage, the strength, to show it. As a nurse, seeing a hospital there was speechless. Today I came to work and even tried to save gloves," said Nana.

Its publication has received dozens of comments from Cubans who reaffirm the terrible situation of medical institutions on the island.

"You have to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the Cuban inside and on foot. There is no qualifier for what is experienced in Cuba, now worse, but it was always bad," said one person.

Thecrisis in the Public Health System in Cuba is increasingly noticeable. Hospitals lack basic supplies for their operation. There are not enough gloves, suture thread, surgical materials, or medications. Nothing is enough for doctors to provide quality service to patients.

While this happens every day in all the country's hospitals, last week the presidentMiguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez He said in an appearance at the Palace of the Revolution:

"We feel tremendous pride in ourPublic Health System, and we are convinced that we are going to continue moving forward. We are going to skip this moment, we are going to overcome this situation with our talent, with our intelligence, with innovation, and also by working hard; fighting, as Raúl Castro asked us."

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