Tender moment of Andy Vázquez's daughter taking care of her little sister before she was born

“Look how you love your sister before she is born,” Andy says in a video on Instagram when showing his daughter's scene.

Andy Vázquez and his wife Jennifer Suárez They eagerly await the arrival of the new member of the family, butlittle Isabella, the couple's first-born, is the most excited of all because she knows that her sister is on the way.

The comedian's daughter starred in a tender moment in which he came out in defense of his little sister, although she is still in her mother's womb.

“Look how you love your sister before she is born”, says Andy in a video on Instagram when showing Isabella's scene.

It turns out that Jennifer pretends to go get a beer and the girl automatically stops her.“No, no, no,” he exclaims while stopping his mother from drinking..

When they ask her the reason for her reaction, the girl, very convinced, says:“Because Anabella is dying”.

While the laughter of those present can be heard in the background, Andy asks him: “Do you love your little sister very much? Are you crazy because he was born?

Isabella's repeated “yes” and the kiss on her mother's belly They are more than enough signs that the baby on the way will be received by her with a lot of love.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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