A young woman transporting a suitcase on a bicycle through Miami generates widespread debate on networks

The video of a young woman transporting a trolley-type suitcase down an avenue in Miami-Dade on a bicycle has generated a wide debate on networks.

The video of a young woman on a bicycle carrying a suitcase trolley along an avenue in Miami-Dade has generated a wide debate on social networks.

"One video, a million questions...", can be read along with the images published on the popular Only in Dade Instagram account.

"Only in Hialeah. What do you think about that? Only in Hialeah, there it goes... in the middle of the street. walking down the expressway, and it's not cool. There you go, tell me something about that.", the Cuban driver who witnessed the scene is heard saying.

In the comments section of the publication, part of it focused on criticizing the young woman for the serious road infraction and for putting her life and that of other drivers at risk; But the majority harshly attacked the driver for exposing the girl's identity on social networks and for not helping her, since he was driving a truck.

However, there were those who argued in favor of the driver that you cannot risk having strangers in your vehicle.

"Poor thing. I see a young woman moving forward. Without pain and without fear of anything, Bravo for her. People like that go far", commented a compassionate commentator towards the offender.

"She is a fighter," "it must be resolved," others said.

"It's not about how fast you want to go, it's about getting there. I'm sure that if you're the one behind, you start whistling right away."; "You can go further on the sidewalk or on the right side of the street," replied those who emphasized that the infraction could ruin the lives of both the young woman and other people who were traveling at that time along the race.

"She is putting other drivers at risk by committing recklessness and breaking the rules. Because of people like her and you, everything is degenerating," said a third commentator following the same idea.

"Only in Hialeah? Help her and take her, you have a tremendous truck, asere"said a Cuban outraged by the driver's attitude.

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