The Goddess excited after watching the movie "Plantadas": "I have no words to say what I felt"

“The most beautiful thing was that I was able to hug them and thank them for fighting for the freedom of all Cubans,” said the singer after meeting the women who inspired this story.

The goddess had the opportunity to see this weekendthe moviePlantedby director Lilo Vilaplana, an experience that was very exciting for the singer, especially because she was able to meet in person the women behind this story.

“Today I had the pleasure of watching the movie Planted andI have no words to say what I felt when I saw the story of these brave women. how they endured everything in the prisons,” La Diosa shared on her Instagram profile.

“The most beautiful thing was thatI was able to hug them and thank them for fighting for the freedom of all Cubans., I recommend you watch this movie and you will come away understanding why these experiences cannot be forgotten. Long live Cuba Libre and down with the dictatorship. Thank you all,” the artist added in her publication.

In her post, the artist included a video that she recorded in the cinema at the end of the film in which she appears greeting several of these women who for her arean example to follow, some braves.

Planted, a film that tells the story of Cuban political prisoners who did not submit to the prison discipline of the island's regime, was released in March of last year and brokeaudience record in Miami where was he duringnine consecutive weeks on the billboarddue to the large influx of public.

In October 2023 the film was screenedfor the first time in Cuba clandestinely with the presence of independent journalists and Cuban opponents.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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