Cuban responds to young Chilean woman who boasts of being a "communist"

The young communist wears a necklace with a photo of her idol, Fidel Castro.

Romina Divina, a Cuban tiktoker living in Chile, dismantled the triumphalist speech of a young woman who boasts of being a communist on social networks.

"Soy communist and obviously 3 to 5 times a day they send me to live inCuba"said the young Chilean who identifies herself on TikTok as La Rana Roja.

Romina's response did not take long to arrive: "Of course they send you to live inCuba because if you had to live a week suffering from the ideology you defend, that's as far as it goes.communist"said the Cuban.

It reminded him that it is very easy to becommunist when living in capitalism, but things change when you are born in a dictatorship and are forced to follow that ideology under state repression, where you can be imprisoned or even die for thinking differently.

"You fell in love withcommunist narrative and you have not sat down to look for the true history of the number of millions of deaths that communism has caused in the world. You are a communist because you like to follow leaders like the one with the medal on your chest (Fidel Castro) whose true history you probably don't know," said Romina.

The Cuban acknowledged that at some point in her life she was a communist because indoctrination is very strong in the island's schools, but she assured that every person has an awakening and hopes that this young woman's will come soon.

"You will realize thatDefending the indefensible is 'communist'"Romina concluded.

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