The Cuban community of Iquique, a coastal city located in the north of Chile and west of the Atacama Desert, asked for help this Sunday to bury an 82-year-old woman from Villa Clara, who died on Saturday of a heart attack. Her name was Ana Lydia González Torres and she had recently arrived in that country. At the time of his death he did not have his papers in order. Neither does his daughter. The body was in the hospital the first day after death, but they had to get her out within 24 hours and the family was desperate, according to what a compatriot told CiberCuba.
The relatives who took her from Cuba do not have the resources to bury or cremate her and are asking all Cubans for help. "With all our heart we ask for the collaboration of those people who can help with some monetary contribution or help them carry out some task where this lady can be buried," Yoany Lemus, a member of the Cubanos en Iquique group, asked on Facebook, explaining and provide an account and telephone number to send help to the family.
Last week, immigration lawyer Willy Allen highlighted in an interview with CyberCuba that they are receiving cases of older Cubans who undertake the migratory adventure at over 65 years of age, an age at which it is usually difficult to get a job since in the case of Europe it coincides, under normal conditions, with the retirement age.
The serious situation of economic crisis that the Island is experiencing is displacing the elderly, who at very advanced ages emigrate with their children or grandchildren. There are some who have even made the journey through the Darién jungle. This is the case of Eneida Milián, 81, who died in 2019, swept away by the current of a river trying to cross the border of Colombia and Panama. to reach the United States border. The family, who had obtained asylum in Trinidad and Tobago, slept on the banks of a river during the journey to the United States and in a flood the old woman disappeared. "My mother was swallowed by the Darién," said her daughter.
Esther García, 86, had better luck, who in 2022 with severe osteoarthritis, four cysts and a cane made the journey to the United States from Nicaragua. According to her, she did not have time to wait for the permits to arrive to join her family and made the journey alone. Along the way many helped him, even to cross the Rio Grande.
Also in 2022, an 82-year-old Cuban grandmother made the migratory route with her grandson, which aroused the admiration of many Cubans who told her that she was braver than the river.
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