Iraisel explains the reasons why he does not talk about El Dany on social networks

The young Cuban has spoken out about her silence on the networks regarding El Dany.

Irasiel y El Dany © El Dany / Instagram
Irasiel and El Dany Photo © El Dany / Instagram

The Cuban influencerIraisel Pintueles has spoken about one of the topics that, apparently, he is asked the most through social networks: why he does not speak publicly about who his partner and father of his daughter Daniela was, the missing Cuban urban music singer Daniel Muñoz, better known to all asThe Damage.

He did it through a round of questions he asked in the stories section of his Instagram profile, after a follower asked him why he no longer talked about El Dany.

The young woman explained that she had decided to only talk about him in a private setting with her family and friends, in order to separate the"sensationalism and sensationalism"that the vast majority of the time generate these types of topics.

Likewise, he had chosen to remain silent on the matter in order to take care of himself and protect himself from the"hurtful comments from people"and so"avoid bad emotional moments".

Iraisel / Instagram

In the following story, Iraisel shared a photograph with El Dany in response to another follower who asked her for an image of them, as she believed they were "a nice couple."

Iraisel / Instagram

El Dany, one of the great promises of Cuban reggaeton, went out on the morning of July 18, 2020 at the Calixto García hospital in Havana at just 31 years of age. As reported at the time in the country's media, death was due to an acute cardiovascular condition.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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