An anthem for women is coming! Miss Dayana previews new song: "Friend, throw that man away"

Miss Dayana warms up for 2024 with a new musical preview. This is what the Cuban reggaeton singer's next thing sounds like!

Miss Dayana is preparing a new release and it sounds like it will be everythinga new anthem for women and friends.

This 2024 promises a lot for the Cuban reggaeton artist, who has just presented a preview of a new song on her social networks. A song with urban rhythms dedicated to women, judging by the short fragment she uploaded to her Instagram stories.

"More than a woman, he wants a slave. You deserve more than what he gives, so he should look for his mother. Friend, throw that man away, his season is over. He is good, yes, very good for nothing ", Señorita Dayana sings in this preview, addressing all those women who need a push from their friend to leave their man because he doesn't value them.

Next in the lyrics he invites that friend to go party and enjoy. "Let's give joy to that bodysuit," sings the Cuban artist.

This preview comes a few weeks after I shared withCyberCubain exclusivea preview of "Anybody". "There is a lack of prominence out there, they want to look alike but we are not the same. I am the one who kills you, the rich one, the queen," the artist sang in the video she recorded in her studio.

With this, Señorita Dayana confirms that she brings a lot of music for this year.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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