Cubans with I-220A prepare caravan in Miami and Houston

The caravan of Cubans with I-220A and the community in exile will be this March 31.

Protesta de cubanos con I-220A © Redes Sociales
Cuban protest with I-220A Photo © Social Networks

The Cuban community in exile in the United States and migrants with form I-220A organized a caravan on March 31 in Miami and Houston, demanding freedom for the island, clarity in immigration status and the possibility of applying for US residency under the Cuban Adjustment Act.

The protagonists of this mobilization are bearers of form I-220A (Order of Parole), a document that has implied for many a state of immigration uncertainty.

Facebook Javier Díaz

The meeting in Miami is scheduled for 2:00 pm, starting in the emblematic Amelia Park and concluding the tour at the Versailles Restaurant.

In Houston the caravan will begin at 1:00 pm from Estrella Plaza 101 E Little York Road to the Houston Field Office at 126 Northpoint Drive.

Facebook Magdiel Hevia

The situation faced by these Cubans with I-220A is complicated by the lack of clear guidelines from the US immigration authorities.

At the end of 2023, some of those affected surprisingly received a humanitarian parole by ICE, which would allow them, in theory, to apply for residency under the Cuban Adjustment Act.

However, the absence of an official policy and the uncertainty about the criteria for granting such a benefit makes it essential to clarify how to act legally when you have an I-220A to remain in the United States with the documents in order.

Immigration law specialist José Guerrero has been a leading voice in providing guidance to those affected, emphasizing that each individual's history must be considered in I-220A cases.

He asked the people who received that form upon being released to always seek legal advice and warned that They should not assume that there will be automatic access to parole, because is not like that.

This mobilization on March 31 seeks to draw attention to the need for an internal review of the immigration process that affects numerous Cubans with I-220A, a topic for which answers are still awaited.

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