Gracie Bon, the curvy model who asked airlines for bigger seats: "I just bought my first plane"

The Panamanian model's unusual request to the airlines went viral on social networks. The young woman asked for larger seats for bodies like hers.

Panamanian model and influencerGracie Good has found the solution to his problems when traveling by plane:You've bought your own!

The young woman, who has more than 5.5 million followers on Instagram, went viral a few weeks ago for her unique call to the airlines. Their intention was to make larger seats for bodies like theirs,Since due to the size of his figure he cannot fly comfortably and has even had to buy two plane tickets.

His unique request went around the world, since the video in which he showed what it was like to travel went viral on Instagram. However, the fact that it went viral did not solve his problem and he has decided to take action on the matter in another way: by buying his own plane!

This was announced by Gracie Bon on Instagram, where she showed what her new vehicle looks like inside and out, which has been quite expensive... Despite the price she has paid to travel comfortably, the model and influencer couldn't be happier with your purchase.

"I just bought my first plane. Airlines don't make their seats bigger so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Here I am exploring my own solution: my own plane. Welcome aboard. This plane is perfect for people like me. The seats are wonderful. I no longer have to buy plane tickets. This is exactly what I needed. The price was quite high and I am definitely in debt for the rest of my life. I am in love with my own plane. Hard work pays off. ", commented the young woman next to the video.

Gracie Bon is known on the social network Instagram, where her curvy body has given her great popularity on the platform until she has accumulated more than 5.5 million followers.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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