A Cuban's joke to his parents goes viral: "I raised money and I plan to invest it in Cuba"

"Here in the United States you have to work hard, there is bill and bill. In Cuba you live better"

A Cuban living in Miami played a prank on his parents and it went viral on TikTok, where the video reaches almost one hundred thousand views.

The protagonist is David Nunez (@deivis_nunez) who gathered his parents in the living room of his house to tell them that he was going to Cuba permanently to set up his business there.

"I didn't know how to tell him because I know there's going to be a problem, I should get a ticket to Cuba next week because I'm leaving permanently. I raised some money and I plan to invest money there.", Deivis tells his parents completely seriously, to the disbelief of his parents.

Upon hearing his son's idea, his father the first thing he says to him is: "That little hat already gave you a bad thought. What are you going to do in Cuba?"

Meanwhile, his mother reacts by saying: "What are you going to invest in? Let's start there. Drop that hat, that's what your dad says, that it's a tremendous bad influence with that hat from Cintumbare.", alluding to the controversial Cuban influencer.

"Listen, I think, invest in a little panel. You don't listen to me and you don't convince me either. Here in the United States you have to work hard and everything is about paying bills. "In Cuba you live better", Deivis insists, much to her parents' dismay.

The video ends with Deivis's father standing angrily assuring his son that his money is not going to touch him.

We don't know how their parents reacted when they found out that it was all a joke, but users loved the joke and how their parents responded.

"With the Cintumbare hat I didn't see it coming", "When I saw the cigar standing up I knew the ending was going to be epic", "It looks great on you hahaha, the hat is hurting you like your mom says", "Hahaha how I laughed", "How funny how dad jumped" or "Tremendous ending", are some of the comments that are read next to the video of the joke.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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