The Cuban actorRoberto San Martín has a lot to thank Spain for, a country that welcomed him 19 years ago and where he has formed a beautiful family.
The artist recalled the date on which he arrived in Iberia, the good and bad moments he has experienced there, and how much it has allowed himgrow personally and professionally.
“19 years ago today I arrived in this country. With empty hands and a head full of dreams, he arrived in this country.Here I cried a lot, I laughed a lot and above all I learned a lot”, he wrote in a post on his Facebook.
“This country gave me my darkest moments andall the light that illuminates my life today. He gave me the greatest gift, my family. The love of my life and my freedom.Thank you Spain for everything and so much. THANK YOU,” he added.
Since leaving Cuba,“prison island”, as he has called her on more than one occasion, Roberto Octavio Álvarez Pérez, the actor's first name, has felt like a completely free man.
Between Spain and the United States he has developed his professional career and together withhis wife, the Spanish Alicia Barrera, have become content creators for the networks.
However, he has not abandoned acting. Last yearpremiered a play in Miami with Mijail Mulkay and theseriesMonte Cristo, starring also Cuban William Levy.
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