Unusual: Cubana books a vacation in the keys and is left in an empty hotel

The young woman clarified that the reservation was not made online, but in a tourist bureau in Cuba.

A Cuban who booked a vacation in the keys to spend a few days with her family lived an unusual and bitter experience, since upon arriving at the place He found that the hotel was empty.

Camila Navarro, dancer, influencer and personal trainer who lives in Europe, traveled to the Island this week with the intention of spending a few days in a luxury hotel, but it turned out that it was all a hoax.

"They sold me a hotel that is not available. How is this event possible? Imagine, after spending six hours getting to the keys of Cuba, you find that your hotel is completely empty and that the bus that dropped you off has already left." , he denounced in a video shared on TikTok.

The young woman showed the interior of the facility, where There were neither workers nor clients: a "ghost hotel", she called him.

Clarified that The reservation was not made online, but in a tourist bureau in Cuba.

Anticipating possible criticism, she specified that she is going on vacation to her country because her entire family is still there and her main motivation is to give them a few days of relaxation, away from the daily anguish of blackouts and the scarcity of everything.

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