King The Magician secretly records The Goddess talking about the solar eclipse: "We may be days without light or water"

Given the astronomical phenomenon, there are those who are worried about what it may trigger.

This April 8 will be witnessed in Miamia partial solar eclipse. An astronomical phenomenon that has many citizens excited and waiting for the time to witness it. But at the same time, there have also emergedconspiracy theories in this regard triggering concern in some people such as the Cuban singer La Diosa, who would be preparing for what the phenomenon may trigger...

Thanks to the video that her husband, producer Rey El Mago, secretly recorded, we know what the interpreter thinks about the eclipse that will take place on Monday.

"It annoys everything because that is an energy that the eclipse itself sends to the earth. It affects communications and affects everything. We may have more days without electricity and without water. Are you recording me? It will affect everything, we have to save food and everything because you don't know what you're going to face next.", explains The Goddess, while her husband records her without her even realizing it.

At the same time, The Goddess is watching a video of a person talking about these theories, to which the Magician King tells her: "I am going to leave that same day with the car." "You're not going to go out anywhere and you're not going to look up," the artist reacts.

"According to the study of La Diosa we are screwed tomorrow", Rey El Mago wrote at the bottom of the funny video.

It should be noted that eclipses are a studied phenomenon and there is no scientific evidence about the conspiracy theories that have emerged in this regard.

It should also be remembered that during partial or annular solar eclipses, it is never safe to look directly at the eclipse without proper eye protection.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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