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Cuban mother takes her own life after depression due to her son's journey to the US.

This case highlights the increasing incidence of suicides in Cuba, related to emotional stress, medication shortages, and lack of food.

Patrulla y carro fúnebre en Cuba © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Patrol and hearse in Cuba Photo © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A Cuban mother would have committed suicide in Santiago de Cuba due to depression due to the absence of her son, who is making the journey to the United States.

This was reported this Tuesday on social networks by the independent journalistYosmany Mayeta Labrada, who shared details of what happened, accompanied by photographs that document the tragedy.

“From very early on, followers have been asking me if I knew anything about the incident in the “El Caney” neighborhood, where a lady had taken her life,” said the communicator, who then commented that he began to investigate what happened.

According to what he wrote, one of his sources told him that the lady, namedYulia Revilla Muñoz, she waited for her husband to go to bed, approximately at dawn to hang herself.

Mayeta Labrada's informants did not agree on whether the woman was nervous or depressed because of her son's journey to the United States.

Precisely, the son spoke for the last time with his mother around 10 pm the previous day, the journalist clarifies.

At the time of offering the information, the woman's body was in one of the Santiago hospitals "to be prepared and then watched over in her town of residence," he said.

In recent months, cases of suicide have grown in Cuba, for various reasons, which may be the shortage of medications for people with psychiatric disorders or lack of food.

Only in the month of March and so far in April has it been reportedthe suicide of a Cuban woman who jumped from the top floor of a building in El Vedado in the early hours of Wednesday, March 13 and his body was found at dawn.

Also that of aCuban patient, a minor, who would have committed suicide in Cienfuegos due to the lack of medications for their psychiatric conditions.

In addition,the suicide attempt of a 29-year-old Cuban mother, who tried to end his life after not being able to provide food for his paralyzed and HIV-positive son.

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