Young 17-year-old Cuban player signs contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates

The young Marlon Quintana became the 14th player to reach an agreement during this MLB signing period.

Firma del acuerdo © Facebook/Por La Goma
Signature of the agreement Photo © Facebook/By La Goma

The young Cuban baseball player Marlon Quintana, 17, officially signed his contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates and will prepare to play in the Major Leagues.

The sports journalist Francys Romero confirmed the news this Monday on his profile on the social network Facebook, where he attached images of the moment of signing the contract and noted that the signing bonus is $100,000.

Facebook Capture/Francys Romero

“Cuban pitcher Marlon Quintana (17) officially signed with the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Dominican Republic this Monday,” Romero wrote.

Likewise, he highlighted that the young man, originally from the province of Matanzas, is a “pitcher with fastball in the 91-93 mph range and secondary pitches such as curveball and changeup and excellent delivery.”

Quintana is represented by Cacon Academy and now begins a new stage in his life. The preparation that begins could lead him to become a figure to be taken into account in the Major League Baseball in the United States.

According to Romero, This is the 14th player, native of Cuba, who obtains an agreement with a organization of Major League Baseball (MLB) in the current period of international signings.

From the digital portal of Minor League Baseball, Marlon Quintana is assigned to DSL Pirates Pittsburgh, the franchise's branch in Dominican Summer League. From that level, the pitching prospect will begin his rise to the Big League.

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