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Cuban fined at Madrid airport for carrying 234 Viagra pills in his luggage

"Are there erection problems in Cuba?" asked a journalist who witnessed the moment.

The Spanish Civil Guard confiscated and fined a Cuban from the island at the Madrid Airport for transporting 234 Viagra pills without a medical prescription in his luggage.

The broadcast of the television program“Street” (Four) broadcast this April 10 was dedicated to border controls and it was the Cuban's turn to be one of the protagonists of the night.

The images released showed the moment when Civil Guard agents counted dozens of packages of four pills each.

"It has all kinds, but especially Sildenafil"said the agent, who added that it is a recurring theme among travelers from Cuba.

“I don't have a prescription, I take it for medical problems”, the citizen excused himself, whose statement was countered by the agent saying that without a medical report that amount of pills cannot be entered into the country.

The agent interviewed explained that only at the Adolfo Suárez Airport in Madrid,around a million kilos are seizedof viagra pills per year.

The fines imposed if the entry of the medicine into the Iberian country in quantities that may give rise to suspicion of smuggling is detected, range between 600 and 30,000 euros.

The civil guard clarified that in the case of the Cuban the fine would surely be 600 euros because the amount confiscated was not very high either. In fact, he stated that The fine is charged from 200 pills, and in his case there were 234.

Despite the bad moment, the Cuban did not lose his composure and even responded kindly to the reporter's questions and jokes.

"Are there erection problems there in Cuba or why do they use Viagra in Cuba?"she asked jokingly.

The Cuban laughed, and his response was radical: "There are erection problems here. There are erection problems here."

It is striking that the fragment published on the program's social networks eliminated that part of the conversation.

“I am diabetic, I am hypertensive to improve pulmonary circulation in this case,” he added in reference to why he used the medication.

After the reporter's insistence on whether he had “problems,” the Cuban then naturally admitted: “Because I am diabetic, it is logical that I have them, as a side effect is the problem of dysfunction.”

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