Controversy continues over the sale of eggs with white yolks in Cuba

Regarding the controversy over eggs with white yolks, a Cuban asked: "Miguel Diaz-Canel, how many like that are there in your refrigerator?"

El régimen le vende a los cubanos huevos con yema blanca. © Captura X / @SanMemero
The regime sells Cubans eggs with white yolks. Photo © Captura X / @SanMemero

In Cuba's wineries, the regime continues sellingeggs with white yolk, a product that many claimIt has no smell or taste.

Miguel Diaz-Canel"How many of these are there in your refrigerator?" asked a person who responds to the name of San, in thered social X.

“It is no longer simply that they laugh at Cubans, it is that they do not even make an effort to hide it,” said the Internet user who made reference to the controversy unleashed around the marketing of the product.

“They are anemic,” replied another Internet user on the social network.X. A third said: “Oh my God but what is that?!?!”

The sale of these unique eggs in Cuban wineries did not go unnoticed by people. Last March,many consumers claimed they were tasteless.

At the same time,The price of “normal eggs” reached 3,500 pesos per carton, very high compared to the average Cuban salary.

Last March, the regime announced the arrival ofa load of two containers of eggs from Colombia, a relief in the middle of a complex panorama for food on the island.

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