Cubana explains how to identify a "Miami guy": "They come with a chain, almost always with a real or fake diamond, it doesn't matter"

A young Cuban from Miami goes viral explaining what the "Miami guys" are like.

A Cuban woman has revealed the signs to identify a "Miami guy", as she refers to Miami types, anywhere. The qualities of these men have been described in a TikTok video that has gone viral with hundreds of comments from users who agree with the statements of this young woman from the island, called Karla Duranza (@karladuranza).

"We should add Miami guy to the urban dictionary, because that's a term. Everyone understands what I mean when I say Miami guy. You can imagine what I'm saying.", this Cuban woman begins by saying, before listing the characteristics of the "Miami guy."

"They come with chains, they almost always come with diamonds, real or fake, it doesn't matter. What matters is that they have a chain", it says at the beginning of this list.

"There's something about Balenciaga. If it's not Balenciaga, there's a little Gucci purse that's placed next to it. I don't like that. Well, I don't like anything, but I specifically don't like that." or "They have more than two thousand followers on Instagram. A Miami guy cannot not have social networks," are two other qualities of the "Miami guy."

"You don't know what they do for work, it's never specific, it's always a mystery. Sometimes they have money and sometimes they don't, but you don't know where they have money from. They have a Mercedes or a Maserati. Be careful, many come without credit "Be careful with that. It seems not, because of the chain and the Maserati, but they have no credit.", adds the young woman.

The impact of the video has been considerable, with more than 600 comments on TikTok, where many agree with Karla's list. "I'm imagining him as he speaks", "And with skinny pants and full of tattoos", "I live in Miami and I know that profile!! The only thing that comes to mind is a Cuban, you literally described him to perfection" or "I call you Hialeah Guy", are some of the messages.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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