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Oniel Bebeshito and Rachel Arderi are excited about the ultrasound of their baby on the way: "I love my little girl"

The singer's partner is already more than 18 weeks pregnant and both can't wait to hold their little girl in their arms.

Oniel Bebeshito and Rachel ArderiThey are living a very beautiful stage in their lives; since they metthe news that they would be parents Happiness has been immense for both of us.

The couple shared on Instagramthe last ultrasound of the baby they are expecting along with some words full of tenderness and longing to finally have her in his arms.

“Look at her little hands as if you were looking at how beautiful my girl is. Everything is going wellWe are already in the second trimester 18 weeks and 5 days. We love you so much, my love continues to grow so well in my belly that the most important thing now is that you are well, healthy and in good health,” the mother wrote in the description of the post.

The reggaeton player was not far behind and in the comments he added: “I love my little girl”. “Our little princess,” Rachel responded in turn.

Captura Instagram / Bebeshito

a little over three weeks ago Bebeshito and Rachel revealed the sex of their baby, when they saw the pink smoke coming out, their dream came true.

The girl will be called Mia and the proud dads do not miss the opportunity to share every exciting moment of this pregnancy with their followers on social networks.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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