Cuban singing teacher goes viral for her offer to a domestic worker

Many call the offer abuse and an attempt to take advantage of those who need to work. The professor responded to her critics by calling them envious and confrontational.

A Cuban singing teacher has gone viral on social networks for her job offer to hire a person to clean her house.

Beatriz Rosales de la Torre announced on his wall Facebook who is looking for a domestic worker who dreams of being a singer.

"He payment would be a daily class of one hour and one hour daily in the recording studio, all free, as payment for your work. The cleaning would not be every day," he said.

Facebook capture / Beatriz Rosales de la Torr

"If you are interested, write to me at 56079737," he said.

More than a thousand people, many of them from Mexico and other Latin American countries, commented on the post. Most criticize the offer and consider it an abuse and an attempt to take advantage of those who need to work.

Facebook Screenshot/Shit Jobs

"Shame on you for proposing such an outrage, work is paid, there is no begging in exchange for classes. I hope no one calls, no matter how miserable it is," said a music producer.

"First she learns to sing, then she teaches. Miserable, abusive and taken advantage of, that's what women are," said another Internet user.

A Colombian explained that in his country the law allows the salary in a labor contract to be in kind - if singing classes could be classified as in kind - but it cannot exceed 20% of the salary. "This is evidently to avoid labor exploitation," he clarified.

"Find a job and stop abusing others. With a recording studio and everything for free, you make me laugh! And the worst thing is that your dream is to sing, pufffff," said a Uruguayan.

Facebook capture / Beatriz Rosales de la Torr

A Mexican woman recommended that the Cuban woman get out of the bubble of her reality a bit.

"People don't work for singing classes, people work to eat and sometimes to eat a day. Do you believe that a domestic worker (who, due to the misfortunes of life, could not dedicate herself to something else that she might have wanted to study, undertake, etc) is going to settle for a singing class, when in reality he works to get through the day? (...) The worst thing is that there are people so privileged that they think that everything is fine for others," he stressed.

The singing teacher, whose stage name is Bruxa, responded to some of her critics by calling them envious and confrontational.

"The envy that makes them talk about me," he said.

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