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Mother of Cuban doctor supposedly killed in Somalia: "I gave him to God in his hands"

The mother says they still hold out hope that Landy and Assel are alive.

Médicos Assel Herrera y Landy Rodríguez © Facebook
Doctors Assel Herrera and Landy Rodríguez Photo © Facebook

Martha Hernández, mother of one of the Cuban doctors kidnapped in Kenya and supposedly killed in Somalia, Landy Rodríguez, stated that she put her son's fate in the hands of God and that the family lives in uncertainty.

"Today, April 12, marks 5 years since the kidnapping of my son Landy and his partner Assel, a very sad story for them and for both families," Hernández wrote on his Facebook profile according to the journalist from Radio PleasureOdalys Paz Morales.

The woman affirms that the anguish deepened on February 17, when news circulated of "an attack where they said they were."

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"We don't know what has happened to their lives, it is a very great uncertainty waiting to really know what happened," he wrote.

However, Hernández says they still hold out hope that Landy and Assel are alive.

"Hard, hard. But we still have hope, which is the last thing we lose, that they are alive," he stressed.

Landy's mother stated that since the kidnapping occurred, she handed "the situation over to God and her deceased mother to protect them from all evil."

The day beforeCuban regime blamed the United States of the lack of information to specify the fate of the doctors, and cleared himself of blame by stating that Landy and Assel participated in an intergovernmental cooperation agreement "voluntarily."

He did not acknowledge that they were sent to an area of Kenya known for its danger, from which all the doctors fled for fear of terrorist attacks.

A report from the channelCitizen TV Kenya, celebrated five years ago the relief that both doctors represented for patients in Mandera County, "after the doctors fled the area for fear of terrorist attacks."

Landy and Assel were kidnapped on April 12, 2019 by the terrorist group Al Shabab, which then took them to Somalia, where they died on February 15 in an airstrike by the United States African Command (AFRICOM) in the village. where they both met.

The extremist group reported on February 17 that the two doctors died immediately, and published a photo in which Assel Herrera, a native of Las Tunas, apparently appears lifeless.

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