Priest Alberto Reyes accuses the Cuban government of being oblivious to the reality of the people

The government has become disconnected from both the needs and the aspirations and hopes of those whom one day, long ago, it swore to serve.

Sacerdote cubano Alberto Reyes © Alberto Reyes / Facebook
Cuban priest Alberto Reyes Photo © Alberto Reyes / Facebook

The Cuban priest Alberto Reyes He accused the government of being alien to the reality of the people and of being indifferent to the problems, shortcomings and sufferings of the people, to whom it is not capable of offering the conditions for a minimally decent life.

Known for his frontal position against the dictatorship, the religious criticized the regime for insisting in its triumphalist propaganda that Cuba is progressing and that society is full of revolutionary fervor, a discourse very far from the needs, aspirations and hopes of those to whom one day he swore to serve.

Father Reyes, from the diocese of Camagüey, usually shares in his profile Facebook sharp texts in which he addresses the crisis in Cuba and the role that both the government and citizens must assume.

In his last post, he pointed out that the undeniable truth is that the government "has lost its people", but he expressed hope when remembering the recent peaceful demonstrations that occurred in Cuba and applauded the new gestures and voices that emerge and demand the desired freedom.

Next, CyberCuba Share the full text of the publication:

"I've been thinking... (LXVI) by Alberto Reyes Pías

I've been thinking about how many heroisms surround us.

If it were not for the fact that it is actually a drama, the situation in Cuba could be compared to a black comedy.

On the stage, an obstinate and triumphalist government propaganda, which insists on 'a Cuba that progresses', on a people that bristles with emotion before their leaders; in a society full of revolutionary fervor and unwavering desires for struggle and resistance; in a social system 'of the people and for the people', 'of the humble and for the humble'.

Behind the scenes, the unconcealable reality of a government that has become alien to the reality of its people, which is incapable of offering the conditions for a minimally decent life, which is indifferent to the problems, shortcomings and sufferings of the people. The undeniable truth of a government that has lost its people, that has become disconnected from both needs and aspirations and hopes of those whom one day, long ago, he swore to serve.

In this great and terrible play, we witness the scene of the fight between the sapling and the axe, between the unstoppable explosion of spring and the relentless boots that desperately seek to crush each sprout of life.

Facebook capture / Alberto Reyes

And so, time and time again, we witness peaceful demonstrations and silent and discreet arrests, voices that rise and bars that fall on those voices, people who stand up and arrest warrants, the open truth on social networks and to the threat and intimidation, to displayed posters and the relentless punishment of those who carry it... in short, the desperate fight to stop an unstoppable spring, determined to prevail after a long and devastating drought.

It is a terrible drama, but the beautiful thing about this part of the drama is the multiplication of faces, the successive waves of voices that say: 'Enough', the continued and everywhere expression of the truth that our people are living. Faces, voices, hands... aware of the prices they may be forced to pay. Definitely, infinite heroism surrounds us.

And this is also good news, because it is the best antidote against earthly messianisms, it is the only thing that can save Cuba from the despotism that it has suffered since the beginning of its history. A new Cuba needs to be plural in everything, but especially politically, far from the sole and unquestionable leaders.

We are a people that has made many mistakes, but also a people with a beautiful tradition of heroism of all kinds, and that spirit has not died. For this reason, in many places, at many times, gestures and voices continue to emerge that demand the desired freedom; That is why, despite the axes and boots, the beautiful stems of 'new pines' continue, and will continue to sprout, those that, in the long run, will end up covering the now deforested and dead land.".

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