Amanda leaves Intensive Care: "Everything improved a lot"

The little girl continues to fight for her successful recovery, after achieving the transplant in a hospital in Spain.

Amanda © Facebook Lara Crofs
Amanda Photo © Facebook Lara Crofs

The Cuban girlAmanda Lemur Ortiz She is recovering very well and managed to leave the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where she was admitted.

This Monday Amanda received permission to transfer to arecovery room in the Spanish hospital where in March aLiver transplant.

Facebook Lara Crofs

"The baby is finally in the ward. The doctors considered that she could leave the ICU because of how she has continued to evolve. They have ascites at 1.9; hemoglobin at 10. Everything improved a lot in the previous week," he said in Facebook the activistYamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs).

On Saturday, Amanda's friends and family had agift of hope seeing the girl smile again.

The little girl's health has been improving for several days, after overcoming the fourth visit to the operating room to control bleeding she had several days ago.

Amanda is sleeping better, she seems more active and smiling. These are indicators that you are taking steps towards optimal recovery.

However, the doctors have alerted the family that this process is very delicate, since after the transplant there could be some relapses and Amanda is overcoming them little by little, successfully.

The stay of the little girl and her parents in Spain will take an indefinite time. Amanda's family and friends reactivated the fundraising campaign inGoFundMe to financially help the girl's mother and father, who must support themselves in a foreign country without having a job.

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