They save the life of a two-year-old boy who inhaled a foreign body in Ciego de Ávila

Samuel, only two years old, underwent surgery after aspirating a foreign body that caused total lung atelectasis and acute respiratory failure.

El pequeño Samuel fue sometido a una cirugía para extraerle del pulmón un cuerpo extraño que aspiró © Facebook/Hospital Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola
Little Samuel underwent surgery to remove a foreign body from his lung that he aspirated Photo © Facebook/Hospital Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola

Specialists from various medical branches saved the life of atwo-year-old Cuban boy who aspirated a foreign body, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, and today he is recovering favorably, “without consequences of the event.”

Samuel, the name of the little boy, underwent surgery at the Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial General Teaching Hospital, in Ciego de Ávila, by doctors from that center and from the province of Villa Clara, according to apublished note by the health institution.

Facebook Capture/Hospital Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola

The minor, a resident of the town of Jicotea, was taken to the Avilanian hospital more than a week ago with atotal lung atelectasis It isSevere respiratory insufficiency, in addition to asuspected intrabronchial foreign body.

One of the photos released shows the object that specialists removed from one of the child's lungs, whose origin was not specified and which cannot be identified in the image.

Photo: Facebook/Hospital Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola

According to the hospital note, this is “one of the most complex diagnoses faced by Otorhinolaryngology services.”

Upon arrival at the hospital, Samuel was evaluated by a medical team who confirmed thepresence of the foreign body in one of your lungs and admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit.

Due to his unstable condition, the child could not be taken to Villa Clara, where the reference center for the central region is located, which has the appropriate equipment to care for cases like this.

Two specialists from that province moved to Ciego de Ávila and, together with their Ciego de Ávila colleagues, carried out the surgical procedure that allowedremove the foreign body.

This Monday, little Samuel's intubation was removed and he was transferred to a respiratory room, where he is "reported in good condition and with a favorable evolution, with no sequelae of the event," according to the medical report made public by the hospital.

Foreign bodies in the airways are more common in children and fundamentally in children under two years of age,” says a publication on the specialized Cuban siteInfomed. “Aspiration is considered a public health problem since it is one of the main causes of preventable morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population.”

Recently, in Santiago de Cuba,a baby just seven months old swallowed a pin and he underwent successful surgery to remove it from his throat.

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