They report the sudden death of an inmate in the Las Mangas de Granma prison

Between 2023 and so far in 2024, the Cuban Prison Documentation Center has recorded 40 deaths in the island's prisons.

Prisión cubana. (Imagen de Referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban prison. (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

He Cuban Prisons Documentation Center (CDPC) reported this Tuesday the "sudden" death of an inmate identified as Elio, which occurred in the Las Mangas prison in the province of Granma.

The organization communicated in the red social X that the death took place on April 5, and that the man was a native of Manzanillo.

Furthermore, he specified that Fernando Michel Bárzaga Mompié, imprisoned for his participation in the July 11 protests, reported the incident to Juan Carlos González Leyva, human rights defender.

With the report of the recent death in prison, the CDPC warned that the confirmed number of deaths of Cuban inmates amounted to 40, from 2023 to 2024, according to organization report.

In the latest update of the report Conditions in Prisons, the CDPC also recorded four cases of inmate deaths, all documented in March, linked to poor medical care and neglect.

One of these cases was that of Jordaniel Roman Rodriguez, also deceased in the Las Mangas prison, who after presenting health problems was not adequately treated for more than a week.

Another was the death of the inmate Víctor Manuel Mengana Figueroa, at the Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba, due to the aggravation of hepatitis contracted in the Boniato prison and which was not treated in a timely manner.

Finally, the CDPC insisted to the regime that it is its responsibility and obligation to investigate the cause of the death or disappearance of detained persons.

Although the Cuban government maintains hermetic silence regarding the situation in the country prisons, some cases manage to become public thanks to complaints from family members.

However, in 2022, the regime did acknowledge before the United Nations Committee against Torture that at least 100 inmates died in the island's prisons in 2021.

On that occasion, the organization criticized Cuba for "not presenting complete statistical information regarding persons deprived of liberty who died during the period under review", and clarified that the data included in a previous periodic report sent by the Havana authorities was analyzed.

Another observation of the committee was that despite having recorded an "average of about 100 deaths in custody per year", in no case did the Cuban State determine "the responsibility of public servants"nor did he try to detect"signs of bodily violence during autopsies".

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