Feminist platform denounces repression against pregnant Cuban political prisoner

The feminist platform Yo SíTeCreo in Cuba cited several local regulations and international treaties signed and/or recognized by the regime that are being violated in the case of political prisoner Lisdani Rodríguez Isaac.

Lisdani y su hermana Lisdiani (i) y Lisdani (d) © Facebook/Félix Llerena y YoSíTeCreo en Cuba
Lisdani and her sister Lisdiani (l) and Lisdani (r) Photo © Facebook/Félix Llerena and YoSíTeCreo in Cuba

The feminist platformIYesI Believe in Cuba joined the concern about the situation of the Cuban political prisonerLisdani Rodríguez Isaac, interned in the “Guamajal” prison in Santa Clara, who has expressed on several occasions the fear she feels for her life and that of her baby.

Through the documentation of new testimonies that have been collected through family members and analysis by specialists, activists and the media, this platform reiterated concern about Lisdani's situation,sentenced to eight years in prison for protesting against the Cuban government in July 2021.

Capture of Facebook/YoYesTeCreo in Cuba

The complaints of the young Cuban woman, made through her relatives, correspond with herpregnancy situation, for which she has received: pressure to have a forced abortion, violations in access to the consultation established for pregnant women, and denial of food.

Yo SíTeCreo in Cuba warned that “all these complaints would imply violations by prison authorities of local regulations and international treaties signed and/or recognized by Cuba, such as: the Penal Code (2022), for any person who forces another to have an abortion; the Public Health Law (1983); Order 7 (2016) Regulations of the Penitentiary System; Bangkok Rules (2010); and the Mandela Rules (1955).”

Recently,in a letter sent by his mother, Bárbara Isaac Rojas, to the news portalCubaNet, the young woman's fear for her life and for the integrity of her pregnancy was reflected.

“I want to denounce the mistreatment and abuse of power of the FOI (Internal Order Official) Clara Faute and the superior Nacheli, under the orders of State Security. "They, ignoring my state of pregnancy (10 weeks), the FOI Clara Faute denied me food and told me that she did not care at all about my pregnancy, that her son is at home very well," the young woman wrote to inform of the facts.

In her letter, the young woman confesses to the continuous threats and torture to which the participants in the July 2021 demonstrations are exposed, by the State Security, the body in charge of leading the repressions against Cubans who decide to raise their voice against the regime.

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