There are 86 thousand Cubans with approved humanitarian parole until March 2024

Of these, 84,000 entered legally into the United States.

Familiares en el aeropuerto de Miami © Captura de video Facebook / Mario J Pentón
Relatives at the Miami airport Photo © Facebook video capture / Mario J Pentón

The number of Cubans authorized to travel to the United States "in a safe, orderly and legal manner" thanks to the humanitarian parole approved by the Biden administration, reached the figure of 86 thousand, according to data recent offers offered by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Until the end of March 2024, more than 404,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela were approved to travel through this initiative, which grants a maximum of 30,000 visas per month for the benefit of the aforementioned nationalities, CBP said.

"Specific, 86 thousand Cubans, 168 thousand Haitians, 77 thousand Nicaraguans and 102 thousand Venezuelans were examined and authorized to travel," the entity stated in its report corresponding to the third month of the year.

Of them, they made effective their legal entry into United States territory 84 thousand Cubans, 154 thousand Haitians, 69 thousand Nicaraguans and 95 thousand Venezuelans, who were granted humanitarian parole.

The Cuban migration crisis continues unstoppable amid a deterioration in living conditions on the Island. Although the number of encounters of irregular Cuban migrants at the borders was reduced in March (19,571) compared to 20,815 in February, the figures are higher than those corresponding to the same period in 2023.

In fact, the number of Cuban migrants who have entered the United States through its borders during the first quarter of the current year is higher than that registered during the months of January, February and March 2023.

This is reflected by CBP data, which indicates that, in the first three months of 2024, The arrival of Cubans at US border points has increased by 60% compared to the same period of the previous year.

If in the first quarter of 2023, the number of border encounters of Cubans was 25,255 migrants, in the current year this number has multiplied two and a half times, reaching 63,329 Cubans served by the US immigration authorities.

In total, so far in fiscal year 2024 (FY2024, which began in October 2023) the number of Cubans arriving at the borders of the United States is 126,517. If the current pace is maintained, the current fiscal year could exceed the number of encounters registered in 2023, evidencing an increase in the migratory flow of Cubans to that country.

Although the humanitarian parole mechanism faced a trial promoted in August of last year by republican governments in the country, on March 8 the federal judge Drew Tipton of the court of Victoria, Texas, decided that the program would continue.

The judge's decision was based on the fact that the 21 Republican states that sued the federal government when this program began could not demonstrate that the parole had brought them significant damages.

Given the concern of the citizens of the four countries involved in the humanitarian parole, the administration of President Joe Biden assured that it would fight to maintain it, considering it an initiative that has contributed to controlling the irregular migratory flow across the southern border with Mexico.

However, in recent days, thousands of people (including many Cubans) showed their concern about A flood of dismissed humanitarian parole cases by US authorities

The immigration lawyer Ralip Hernandez He said that it could be various factors, among which he mentioned the requirement in reviewing the requests, technical problems on the platform, or errors when submitting the documentation.

"We have seen cases such as errors in names, passports that do not match the data on birth certificates, and others. People who have a process must review all that documentation," Hernández warned.

The lawyer encouraged people with rejected cases to restart the processes, either with the same sponsor or with another.

He suggested Cubans check if they have open applications in more than one immigration program because this could also be the cause of the negative response, as diverse information is presented on the platforms or missing data when filling out the questionnaires.

"We have seen denials in other nationalities. This is a program that has a limit each month and the government approves at random. The good news is that the Court has not rejected it, so there are still possibilities," Hernández reminded the Cubans. .

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