Cuban mother reunites her three children in the United States after 2 years: "Happy and grateful to God"

Three Cuban brothers reunite after two years in the United States: This was the beautiful reunion they experienced at an airport

A Cuban mother living in the United States could not be happier after having achievedreunite his three children, who are back together at his side after two years.

This was expressed by the Cuban Eneida (@eneidalacubana on TikTok) along with the video of the emotional reunion they experienced at an airport in the United States, where her daughter arrived to be together again.

"Happy and grateful to God after two years of having my 3 children together", wrote the proud Cuban mother about the images, in which we see her three children running to hug each other again. A moment full of emotion for the entire family, who welcomed the young woman with flags and a stuffed animal.

The young Cuban, who arrived in the United States, also published the video of this beautiful reunion from another perspective. Definitely,a scene that is inevitable to get excited about.

These types of videos have become a source of scenes that excite Cubans from all over the world, who long to be able to live that long-awaited moment.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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