Relatives tearfully receive Cubans stranded in Haiti

More than 250 Cubans remained stranded in Haiti.

Through tears, relatives received at the Ignacio Agramonte International Airport in Camagüey the Cubans who had been trapped for several weeks in the chaos and humanitarian crisis in Haiti.

"Throughout the weekend, Cubans stranded in Haiti will arrive in the country on different flights due to the instability in that nation," reported local media Radio Cadena Agramonte inFacebook.

The publication shows the moment ofI arrive from the first and second group, and the reception of their families.

Publication inFacebook

In the videos you can see balloons, hugs and many tears from desperate families after the Cuban regime's delay in resolving the situation of the more than 250 thousand Cubans who were stranded in the serious humanitarian crisis in Haiti, triggered by clashes between gangs. criminals and the police.

On Friday the first group of 49 people arrived and this Saturday asecond flight with a number of rescued Cubans still unspecified.

The first flight was made by the Haitian airline Sunrise, while this second was made on a plane from the airline One Caribbean, from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

More than 250 Cubans were stranded in Haiti, after the suspension of Sunrise Airways flights between Cuba and Port-au-Prince due to the chaos that country is experiencing due to the growing violence of criminal gangs that are trying to take control.

The Cuban embassy delayed responding to the request for help from the Cubans, who were sheltering in rented houses, afraid to go out on the streets and not knowing when they would be able to return to the island.

According to the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), to achieve the transfer, the Cubans had to travel in a bus caravan from Port-au-Prince to the city of Cap Haitien, in the north of the country.

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