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The first group of Cubans stranded in Haiti arrives in Cuba

The first flight arrived at the Ignacio Agramonte International Airport in the city of Camagüey.

The first group of Cubans, made up of 49 people, who were stranded in Haiti, acountry devastated by clashes between gangs and the Police, in the midst of a serious humanitarian crisis, arrived on the Island this Friday.

The news of the arrival of the Cubans was shared from several official profiles, more than a month after the rescue requests made by those who were stranded in those lands.

The arrival of the Cubans occurred at the Ignacio Agramonte International Airport in the city of Camagüey.

“The return was carried out through the Sunrise airline, as a result of a coordinated operation between the Cuban authorities, various ministries, the Cuban Embassy in Haiti and the permanent accompaniment of officials from the diplomatic mission in the Caribbean nation,” they wrote in the Facebook profile of the official radio station Radio Cadena Agramonte.

More than 250 Cubans were stranded in Haiti, after the suspension of Sunrise Airways flights between Cuba and Port-au-Prince due to the chaos that country is experiencing due to the growing violence of criminal gangs that are trying to take control.

The Cuban embassy delayed responding to the Cubans' request for help, who were sheltering in rented houses, afraid to go out and not knowing when they could return to the island.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba (MINREX)To achieve the transfer, the Cubans had to travel in a bus caravan from Port-au-Prince to the city of Cap Haitien, in the north of the country.

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