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Kissing marathon: Alejandro Cuervo and his wife shower little Bastian with affection

On Instagram, Alejandro and Arletis shared a fun video with their son.

Very soonlittle Bastian He will have to share the affection of his parents with his little brother on the way, but in the meantime,Alexander Raven and Arletis Rodriguez They are yours completely.

The couple starred in a kissing marathon in which Bastian, of course, was the biggest beneficiary.

On Instagram, Alejandro and Arletis shared a funny video in which they appear in bed with their son, in the background a very recurrent music is heard on the networks and theyTo the rhythm of this they fill Bastian with kisses.

The little boy's face is one of pure joy and fun, and at no time does he move away from his parents' kisses.

Alejandro's followers reacted to the video convinced of the beautiful relationship and infinite love that exists between the three.

The family is about to grow, and the arrival of Alejandro and Arletis's second child is one more incentive to continue enjoying those unique moments that have no comparison.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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