Cuban repressor intimidates former political prisoner with a gun in the middle of the street

The incident occurred in the middle of Old Havana.

The Cuban political expressLuis Darien Reyes Romero He was intimidated with a gun in the middle of the street in Old Havana by a repressor dressed in civilian clothes, as confirmed by a video released by Kenia Romero, the young man's mother.

The images show the agent following the activist and calling for reinforcements for awalkie-talkie while in his left hand he held a gun in the middle of the street, in view of several people who were passing through the place at that time.

Cuban repressor intimidated a Cuban with a gun in the middle of the street (Collage Facebook Capture/Kenia Romero)

"Threatening me with a gun, look... What a huge lack of respect!...I am from Patria y Vida", the young man can be heard saying as he advances with a firm step while the agent, who follows him a few steps away, orders him to stop.

“Look, I need you to stand here. Hey, I'm talking to you. Look, mijo, stand here.”, says the second repressor before Reyes Romero himself said that he himself was leaving for the police station on his own two feet.

“Police repression and abuse against my son Luis Darién Reyes Romero for being a former political prisoner. Here the repressor is shown with a revolver intimidating him in the center of the street. Freedom for all political prisoners. Down with the repressive dictatorship of Cuba,” denounced Kenia Romero.

Shortly after, Luis Darién was arrested and the authorities intend to fabricate a case for alleged contempt, according to Romero.

“Here I am, in the Dragons Unit, that a police repressor once again wants to fabricate a crime for contempt against my son Luis Darien Reyes Romero. “This starts now”, wrote the opponent's mother on Facebook.

Facebook Capture/Kenia Romero

Luis Darien Reyes Romero He was sentenced in April 2021 to three years in prison for uploading a video critical of the government to their social networks.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other details about the current conditions of the young man after being detained at the Dragones police station.

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