This is how Miss Dayana celebrated her American citizenship with her partner Mario

The couple celebrated the new achievement of the Cuban singer, who has just obtained American citizenship.

Miss Dayana and Mario Photo © Instagram / Mario

Miss Dayana has many reasons to celebrate. She is enjoying her motherhood to the fullest, warming up for a new musical chapter, focused on her spectacular physical change. And to that is added that you just gotAmerican citizenship. A dream come true for the Cuban reggaeton artist who celebrated with her partner Mario, who motivates her day after day.

Precisely with her daughter's father she celebrated this new achievement in her life, as he showed on his social networks where he posted some images of the celebration they experienced.

Mario shared some photos in which we see the couple having dinner with more people.

"Today has been a day of love and family. Celebrating her American citizenship with my wife. Very happy to see one more achievement, I am very proud of her and thank God for putting someone so special in my path, @srtadayanaoficial who gave me "The greatest love in my life, my daughter", he commented at the bottom of the publication, in which they appear having dinner in Miami.

The couple's fans congratulated Miss Dayana on this new achievement. Just a few weeks ago, Mario also became an American citizen. The Cuban defined that day as one of the happiest of his life.

"My people, never do anything illegal, nor commit a crime that could affect your integrity, be good men and women to receive all the blessings of life, to get ahead in this great country USA. Just make an effort, work and become a professional, choose the right path and you will have more results, more money and more success," Mario then wrote, thus motivating his followers.

The singer's citizenship comes at an unbeatable moment for her, in addition to being going through a very sweet stage on a personal level, on a professional level she is about to launch a collaboration with Lenier Mesa and Eduardo Antonio titled "Hasta que te cone."

He was precisely with the singer of "How do I pay you" this weekend, accompanying him at his sold out concert.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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