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Cuban mother speaks who stayed at Díaz-Canel's house

The young mother Estanys Rodríguez says she cannot stand continuing to live in a country where she cannot feed her daughter.

The Cuban mother Estanys Rodríguez, who is desperate because of the lack of food for her two-year-old daughterHe challenged the regime by appearing at the house of ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, stated that he has not received any response, onlythreats.

The 20-year-old girl said that last Thursday she woke up with the sole conviction of going to her house.Diaz-Canel and demand a solution for her and little Kimberly, she told journalist Oscar Suárez, producer of the space "Reporters", on the Increible Universe YouTube channel.

Rodríguez affirmed that to date no one has given him a response after summoning the ruler "everything was threats, that when I did it again they were going to prosecute me, and I told them that they can do it because the truth isThe one who is having trouble right now is my daughter.”.

The girl was deeply affected that day when she realized thatHe only had a soda to offer his daughter for breakfast..

He walked 45 minutes, with the little girl on his shoulder, from his home in the municipality of Marianao, to the ruler's home, and at the sentry box he broadcast live to the world his decision to summon him.

“Since he is the only one who can solve our problems in this country, he had to solve them for me, because alreadyI can't stand working here anymore, especially being Cuban with my daughter."Rodríguez said, pointing out that many times her little girl only eats powdered mango juice for breakfast becauseHe doesn't even have money to buy fruits.

According to this mother,the current situation is suffocating for people like her who have low resources, since most of the food is sold in MSMEs at exorbitant and inaccessible prices, in the middle of arampant inflation.

Those of us who don't have money are dying of hunger."Here everything is for people who have power or who are in the position where someone sends them money, but for us, those of us who have a hard time, MSMEs don't care," stressed Rodríguez, who admitted that finding food is a daily odyssey.

Little Kimberly receives a diet for being underweight, however,For three months the few products that the food module brings have not arrived at the warehouse. Among them he mentioned rice, peas, sugar, a sardine can and spaghetti.

“My girl eats whatever appears, but sometimes I don't have a way to buy him food", explained Rodríguez, who stressed that the warehouse's errands are also insufficient. “This morning I had nothing to give him and it was soda that he could only drink,It is hard for a mother when your child tells you at night that he is hungry and you cannot give him anything to eat.”.

The affected woman also said that she has had to ask people for food to be able to feed the little girl.

“I had never done this in my life, I am young, I am 20 years old, but I can't take it anymore, I'm tired and I can't wait for them to trample on me because I have a girl,” explained the girl who feels unable to be able to. fulfill the sacred duty of feeding his firstborn.

The worsening of the current economic crisis pushes many mothers to the ropes who, in the midst of desperation, do almost anything to provide for their children.

A Cuban who dedicates herself to prostitution as a way of life assures that thisIt is the only way she found to survive for herself and her two and a half year old daughter..

The young woman, a resident of Sancti Spíritus, revealed to the agencyCubaNet that she could work in the vector control activity, but that with a salary of just over 3,000 pesos it would not cover her daughter's basic needs.

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