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They denounce precarious living conditions for doctors in rural areas of Santiago de Cuba

A group of recently graduated doctors in Santiago de Cuba faces threats for refusing to work in rural areas where living conditions are precarious.

A los médicos recipen graduados los obligan a trabajar en condiciones paupérrimas. © Collage Facebook / Edmundo Dantés Junior
Graduate doctors are forced to work in very poor conditions. Photo © Collage Facebook / Edmundo Dantés Junior

Newly graduated doctors face theharassment and threats from the regime due to their refusal to work in precarious living conditions in the rural areas of Santiago de Cuba.

The profile ofFacebook ofEdmundo Dantes Junior echoed the torment of young professionals from the municipalities of Palma Soriano and Santiago de Cuba, who prefer to remain anonymous for fear of government reprisals.

According to the influencer, doctors refuse to go to work for 20 days in rural areas, claiming that the living conditions are inhumane.

Facebook screenshot / Edmundo Dantés Junior

In the shared photos you can see the level of deterioration of the little furniture, especially the mattress, which is in a sorry state.

The health director of the municipality of Palma Soriano has written directly to each of the young doctors andhas threatened to invalidate the degree that accredits them as medical graduates If they continue with the refusal, the complaint publication stated.

It is accompanied by a capture of a chat conversation where it is identified that at least four young people have been threatened by the official.

He wants at all costs for them to 'sign a paper' renouncing being doctors”, highlighted the Facebook profile of the content creator. “They feel without support of any kind and do not say anything for fear of retaliation.", public.

Cuban doctors, who suffer daily fromlack of medicines and supplies who cause the death of their patients, are victims of pressure and blackmail from the regime.

The few voices that denouncepoor conditions in healthcare centers are frequently silenced by the government that at all costs prevents the world from knowingthe reality of Cuban hospitals.

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