Mother of political prisoner Luis Robles denounces threats from State Security against her son.

Yindra Elizástigui Jardines, mother of political prisoner Luis Robles Elizástigui, reported that a political police agent went to the penitentiary "La Lima," in Guanabacoa, where her son is detained, and warned her that there would be consequences for him if she did not stop speaking out.

Luis Robles Elizástigui, joven cubano encarcelado por protestar pacíficamente en La Habana © Facebook Luis Robles/Captura de video CiberCuba
Luis Robles Elizástigui, young Cuban imprisoned for peacefully protesting in Havana.Photo © Facebook Luis Robles/Video capture CiberCuba

The mother of political prisoner Luis Robles Elizástigui reported that State Security threatened her son in prison due to her public statements on social media demanding the regime's release of the young man.

Yindra Elizástigui Jardines, who continues to demand her son's release, told the independent newspaper CubaNet that an agent from the political police went to the correctional labor camp "La Lima" in Guanabacoa, where Robles is being held, and warned him that there would be consequences for him if his mother did not stop speaking out.

Elizástigui stated that she is outraged by the fact that the SE is "harassing a person who is trying to spend the remaining time of this unjust imprisonment peacefully" and added that the repressor "goes there to destabilize him by threatening him with his mother."

Facebook capture/Yindra Elizástigui

Robles was arrested on December 4, 2020, while staging a solo peaceful protest on San Rafael Boulevard in Havana, with a sign demanding the end of repression and the freedom of rapper Denis Solís.

In 2022, the regime tried him for the alleged crimes of "enemy propaganda" and "disobedience" and sentenced him to five years in prison.

The brave mother of Robles has not stopped demanding his release throughout all these years, and following the recent threats from the SE, she assured CubaNet that she will continue to denounce and request the freedom of him and her other son, Léster Fernández, despite the attempts to intimidate them.

Fernández has also been imprisoned since the beginning of 2023, after the regime's police detained him while he was participating in the construction of a boat to leave the country. The young man is in Valle Grande prison, accused of an alleged crime of "assault" against a police officer.

"I have a message for the State Security: none of my children, because that’s what they told Luis, who was the one insisting that I report, none of them tells me to report, I do it because it’s the weapon I have to fight against the injustices that have been committed against them, especially against Luis, who has suffered enough in four years of unjust imprisonment," warned Elizástigui.

"I'm not going to remain silent, and as long as I have to report it, I will," she said resolutely. "If I am the one who bothers because of my complaints, I am here, I trade my freedom for that of my children. As long as God allows me to speak, I will continue to report and fight for their freedom."

The mother held the State Security responsible for anything that may happen to Robles, and did not rule out the possibility that they might try to frame him for a common crime to keep him in prison for more years.

The young man was declared a prisoner of conscience in January 2021, while organizations defending fundamental freedoms such as the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights, Cubalex, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International have denounced his case on multiple occasions.

During his confinement, initially in the Combinado del Este, Robles suffered repeated isolations in punishment cells, mistreatment, and violence, and the judicial authorities denied him four changes of measures. Although he is already eligible for parole, the regime continues to deny it.

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