Ulises Toirac suffers from eye disease: "If it had been delayed, recovery would have been impossible"

After an evaluation by a medical team, the comedian feels optimistic about the treatment of his eye disease.

El humorista Ulises Toirac muestra que tiene un ojo afectado por una enfermedad. © Captura de Facebook/Ulises Toirac
The comedian Ulises Toirac shows that he has an eye affected by an illness. Photo © Facebook Capture/Ulises Toirac

The Cuban comedianUlises Toirac shared his experience after receiving treatment for a disease in his right eye, highlighting the importance of prompt detection.

In a publication inFacebook, the comedian explained that he suffers fromwet macular degeneration in his right eye, for which he received an injection last Friday in theRamón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology.

Capture from Facebook/Ulises Toirac

This Tuesday, Dr. Rafael González evaluated the results of the treatment, and “He confessed to me that, if it had taken 15 or 20 more days, recovery would probably have been impossible., although its advance could have been stopped,” Toirac pointed out.

He explained that they gave him a medicine calledI discovered, and although it will take a month to determine the effectiveness of the drug,The comedian was optimistic after the evaluation carried out by the medical team.

However, he warned thatthere is no definitive cure, the condition can be treated with injections with the aim of stopping or removing the formation of vessels, although he added that "will depend on the strength of the phenomenon and the early detection".

In his own words, the comedian explained the condition he suffers from in his right eye: “The macula is nothing more than the central region of the retina. It happens that, especially with age (although smoking and other factors also influence)Small vessels form that penetrate that area and end up breaking and spilling liquid.”.

When there is macular degeneration, “vision becomes aberrated,The lines are distorted, their brightness changes and an opaque center of very low definition is experienced.“he said on the social network.

Also, in his characteristic jocular tone, Toirac presented on Facebook the medical team that treats him, highlighting Dr. González, whom he nicknamed "the master witch magician specialist in retina and God of posterior eye".

Although the comedian said he was resting for a few days, he is very active on social media. RecentlyHe complained that his participation in a humorous space was banned.

"Again, the long arm of the law. I was coordinating acting at the invitation of the guys who make it, in a comedy club that takes place on Saturdays at the Café del Bertolt Brecht. 'Coincidentally' I can't work there either.", the comedian in a Facebook post in which he implied that there are already several occasions in which something similar happens to him.

Capture from Facebook/Ulises Toirac

"I don't know why I get the impression that the list I'm on is getting darker. Anyway. The blockade, but with 30 hands," he concluded.

Also on the social platform,Toirac does not miss the opportunity to use his biting and critical humor, as demonstrated during the most recent partial solar eclipse, where he took the opportunity to make comments about the situation in Cuba.

"Our current factories (or what's left) give us some total eclipses in each area that snore the carbine, with the handicap that not even sex can be had thanks to the heat and the affectionate sniffing mosquitoes that there are in this country," he said in hisFacebook.

Capture from Facebook/Ulises Toirac

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