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They deny fuel for a power plant to a young man with a disability after an assault in Holguín

The refusal of the sale of fuel distresses the father of Lester Domínguez Ortiz, a young man bedridden after having survived a violent assault in Holguín, because the blackouts and the crisis in general delay his son's recovery.

Lester Domínguez Ortiz was left prostrate after an assault in Holguín in March 2023 Photo © Facebook Collage/Dennis Dominguez

The father of the 18-year-oldLester Dominguez Ortiz, who was attacked with machetes during arobbery with violence in 2023 in the province of Holguín, denounced that the authorities This Tuesday they refused to sell him the fuel necessary for his home's power plant..

Dennis Domínguez explained inFacebook that your son's recoveryrequires the generator for ventilation, anti-decubitus mattress and food preparation, which causes him anguish due to the indolence of the government in the town of San Germán, located in the municipality of Urbano Noris.

Facebook capture/Dennis Dominguez

The grieving father explained that the refusal to sell the gasoline was due to "It was up to the engines (means of transportation)", and the solution proposed by the person in charge was that "If we wanted, we had to bring an engine" to buy fuel.

"This is how this system works with bureaucracy, first a transport and then the day they schedule it for a patient who is bedridden", he denounced angrily, since the lack of fuel compromises his son's complex recovery.

Finally, he said that the young man spent a week with his family in Holguín, a stay that became difficult when Lester became depressed, refusing to eat for a day and a half.

He reported that the trigger was a moment when family members questioned his willingness to live in those conditions permanently, which distressed the boy.

On previous occasions, Lester's recovery has been affected by power outages. A few hours before receiving medical discharge in 2023,The young man had to be taken back to the hospital. due to electricity outages in the town of San Germán, where he resides.

"Today we have him in the hospital because there is no power in San Germán,They are removing the current from 6 in the afternoon to 12 at night, and that hinders its evolution"explained the father.

Facebook capture/Dennis Dominguez

Since the tragic assault occurred in March 2023, young Lester Domínguez has faced a slow and difficult recovery process, characterized by several relapses in his state of health and mood.

In mid-May, the father asked for help to treat a bed sore that the boy had developed. By that date, Lester was already spending hours without artificial ventilation, the fever had disappeared and the blood parameters were correct.

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