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Young Americans play with a drifting Cuban raft

The joke of these young people generated comments of disagreement with that attitude on social networks.

A group of young Americans sailing near Key West found an abandoned Cuban raft and started playing with the boat.

Laughing, the boys commented how they were surprised that the boat was still sailing, but they showed no empathy for the people who once occupied that abandoned raft.

This behavior generated debate on social networks and several users highlighted the insensitivity of young people towards the deteriorated and empty boat, but loaded with meanings.

"I can't imagine living in a place so bad that I would risk my life trying to escape. I hope the people who were on that boat are safe. This is very sad for me," said one user on Instagram.

"I don't see anything funny in this video," said other users of the page.LolFlorida on Instagram, a profile that shared the brief audiovisual material.

This is not the first time a similar situation has happened. On other occasions, American citizens who find abandoned boats in this area of the Florida coast have boarded the boats and taken photographs in them, perhaps because it seems like something out of a fiction novel, but it is the reality of thousands of Cubans.

The issue is very sensitive for those who have left the country risking their lives at sea and for the relatives of rafters who have died trying to escape the communist regime by sailing in precarious boats.

The raft in this story has the kind of mark, or message, that the US Coast Guard leaves when the migrants it intercepts must be repatriated. For some time now, boats have begun to drift.

TheCuban rafters who used that boat, could currently be detained at immigration or preparing to be deported to Cuba.

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