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Cuban mothers who stayed with their children at Díaz-Canel's house: "They don't solve anything"

The mothers asked for food, medicine and housing for their children.

A group of Cuban mothers with their children who stood last Thursday in front of the residence of ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel to demand housing, medicine and food stated that the country's authorities "do not resolve anything."

At least four mothers with their children went to the president's house that day and after several hours therethe women claimed that they had only reinforced the police presence in the area, according to videos published on Facebook by the Ismari Guzman profile.

Cuban Estanys Rodríguez, who was threatened with having her connection disconnected if she continued publishing her videos on social networks, said that the response to the complaints was the threat.

"We need help for our housing and food problems, they don't solve anything anywhere," he said.

He claims thatin front of the ruler's house "They don't want to serve us, they tell us to go to the Plaza de la Revolución, but there it's for pleasure. We have housing and food problems," he emphasized.

Another mother, in statements later to Martí Noticias, said that "there is no food in any store" and when they went to complain they were only given a plate with white rice, croquette and cabbage.

Furthermore, they had to continue waiting for housing because there was no budget.

"Here only the leaders are living well, the people are having trouble. It is not fair that they throw us at the police as if we were criminals. The children in Cuba do not live as they should live, we are living in inhumane conditions, it is not fair," one affected person stressed.

Rodríguez confirmed on Monday that he has not received any response after the protest, which occurred on April 18.

The 20-year-old girl reported that to date no one has given her a response after summoning the ruler "it was all threats, that when I did it again they were going to prosecute me, and I told them that they can do it because the truth is what happens." “I work right now, she is my girl.”

The girl was deeply affected that day when she realized that she only had a soda to offer her daughter for breakfast.

He walked 45 minutes, with the little girl on his shoulder, from his home in the municipality of Marianao, to the ruler's home, and at the sentry box he broadcast live to the world his decision to summon him.

The worsening of the current economic crisis keeps many mothers in desperation who do almost anything to provide for their children.

A Cuban who dedicates herself to prostitution as a way of life claims that this is the only way she has found to survive for herself and her two and a half year old daughter.

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