Eva Mendes confesses the criticism she received when she was young: "They told me that my mouth was too big"

The Cuban actress was affected by the comments made about part of her physique.

Eva Mendes © Instagram / Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes Photo © Instagram / Eva Mendes

The beautiful actress Eva Mendes, of Cuban origins, shared a post on Instagram revealing the criticism she received when she was younger regarding her physique. Some comments about the size of his mouth that affected his self-esteem.

"When I was young they told me that my mouth was too big, that it wasn't 'fine'"commented the renowned performer, who over the years has learned to turn those criticisms into a strength for her. "Now I love my big mouth because it means I smile bigger too.", added Eva Mendes, thus revealing that this trait is part of her identity and her unique beauty.

This positive and accepting attitude has been inspiring for many of her followers, who have expressed their support and admiration for the actress on social networks while giving her compliments and praise for her beauty without understanding the criticism they gave her in the past.

"It's actually crazy how much we let people's negativity get to us when we're young. You're stunningly beautiful with a wonderful smile," "Now they pay to make their lips thicker. That was envy, you are a natural beauty", "It's crazy how the comments of our youth stay with us into adulthood. Kindness really matters", "I never considered your mouth too big. You are beautiful" or "Beautiful woman, who would dare to find a flaw in you. You are beautiful and you have a beautiful smile", are some of the comments that are read next to the publication of Ryan Gosling's wife.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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