60-year-old model wins Miss Universe pageant in Argentina and seeks to represent her country

At 60 years old, Alejandra Rodríguez wins the Miss Universe Buenos Aires pageant and now aspires to represent Argentina on a global level.

Alejandra Rodríguez, Miss Universo Buenos Aires © Instagram / Alejandra Rodríguez
Alejandra Rodríguez, Miss Universe Buenos Aires Photo © Instagram / Alejandra Rodríguez

Age is just a number, and if not, tell themAlejandra Rodríguez, a 60-year-old woman who has just become the representative of Buenos Aires for the prestigious Miss Argentina pageant.

The story of the 60-year-old journalist and lawyer has gone viral in recent hours after being crowned the winner of the beauty contest in a competition in which the title was disputed against 34 other competitors of various ages, from 18 to 73 years old.

"One of the girls, 18 years old, was beautiful and very prepared. I thought she would be the winner but when the entire jury voted for me, I felt like I was living a dream. I insist, it was unanimous.I'm living a dream!"he commented in an interview with The nation after winning.

Now, this beautiful Argentine is preparing for her next challenge: competing at the national level in Miss Universe Argentina 2024, whose final will be on May 25 in the City of Buenos Aires, where the current Miss Universe Argentina 2023, Yamile Dajud, will crown her successor.

After the pageant has eliminated the age limit to compete in Miss Universe, a rule that has been in effect since 1958 and limited participation to women between 18 and 28 years old. Now, you only need to be of legal age. Happy about this change in regulations, Alejandra expressed:"I am very happy to be representing this new paradigm in beauty pageants, where women are not only appreciated for their physical beauty, but for a set of values".

Needless to say, after learning about her story, women from all over the world are showing their support for the Argentine beauty and want to know her secrets to staying so youthful.

"The basics are to have a healthy life, eat well, do physical activity and normal care; nothing too extraordinary, and a little genetics. I practice intermittent fasting and try to eat organic food, in addition to using good creams. I think that helps a lot," he explained in an interview after being crowned.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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