An alleged doctor who studied in Cuba is arrested for practicing illegally in Bolivia

The doctor was wanted in Chile for pretending to be a psychiatrist.

A Chilean wanted by Interpol and identified as Christian Emilio Gosen was arrested on Wednesday by the Special Force to Fight Crime (Felcc) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, for illegally practicing medicine and posing as a gastroenterologist.

The man posed as a Gastroenterology specialist from an office located in the Second Ring and Centenario Avenue area, where he had several medical degrees in which he said he had studied in Cuba, and that he apparently stole from another medical office.

Gosen carried out a series ofmedical activities, including diagnostic studies, treatments such as endoscopies and colonoscopies, and even invasive surgical procedures.

Humberto Vargas, vice president of the Santa Cruz Medical College, warned about the case after receiving multiple complaints against the individual, which had been circulated by Interpol.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the universities in Cuba where Gosen had supposedly trained had no record of him.

"He used a fraudulent seal and registration to practice his false profession," Vargas stated.

In addition, a video from a Chilean television channel was discovered where Gosen was already wanted by the justice system, with pending proceedings for impersonating a psychiatrist in his country of origin. Chile has been looking for it since 2021, after it began virtual consultations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to councilor Manuel 'Mamén' Saavedra, who filed the complaint, Gosen charged Bs 200 per consultation and then charged almost half that for other medical services.

"This individual performed operations, gave prescriptions and was about to place a gastric balloon on a patient. It is truly worrying that a person who falsifies his title would dare to perform such delicate procedures. Fortunately, no harm to patients has been reported." said Saavedra.

Gosen faces charges of ideological material falsification, illegal exercise of the profession and crimes against public health, while authorities continue to investigate theextent of their fraudulent activities in the field of Medicine.

Prosecutor Francisca Rivero reported that the alleged doctor was placed before a precautionary judge.

Despite all the evidence against him, in his statement the accused said that he is a doctor who graduated in Cuba but that he did not validate his degree in Bolivia.

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