An elderly Cuban who lives alone and is practically disabled survives thanks to the good will of his neighbors, who are the ones who feed him.
The Lord is called Felipe Julián de la Cruz and resides on 1 South Street, between 8 and 9 West, in the Villa Clara municipality of Placetas.
As reported in Facebook Internet user Yaquelin Abreu, although it is a case attended by Social Welfare, only eats something when her neighbors bring her a plate of food.
"He is very sick with his legs, he does not walk, he only crawls and so he went to the hospital because he is vomiting blood, but they only gave him a pill and they sent him home. He does not bathe because he cannot carry water and no one can bring him water. food that they assign to these cases," explained Abreu, administrator of the group WE ARE ALL PLACETAS.
The activist called on Nitza Coca Castillo, official in charge of Social Welfare in the territory, to pay attention to this case.
"We also ask the doctor at the area's office to dedicate herself to his deteriorating state of health and to help him bathe and clean his house once a week," he said.
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