"Corazoncito rojo": La Diosa reveals the release date of the song with her daughter

"So you can enjoy it on reels and on TikTok for Mother's Day, so you can dedicate it to the people you love most in this world"

La Diosa con sus hijos © Instagram / La Diosa
The Goddess with her children Photo © Instagram / The Goddess

"Corazoncito Rojo", first song that The goddess records with his daughter Rachel, already has a release date and we won't have to wait too long to hear it.

It was the Cuban interpreter herself who said a few hours ago on social media that May 10 will be the day it will be released, "so you can enjoy it on reels and on TikTok for Mother's Day, so you can dedicate it to her." to the people they love most in this world.

"I dare to say that it is the most beautiful song you will hear that day, I am excited to sing for the first time with my daughter Reychel, and happy to have some of my followers who are the actors of this beautiful video," she added along with the cover of the single, a beautiful photo of him with his two children.

"Who better than you, I love you, and I work very hard so that everything is to your liking," he added in the post where he encouraged his followers to activate the notification on YouTube so as not to miss the premiere.

In the comments, followers supported the song, even without having heard it, and praised the tenderness that the cover gives off.

Last March, La Diosa shared her happiness after having made her dream come true of recording a song with her daughter for the first time.

"We did it, the truth is that he was very excited by the lyrics of the song, but he did it very well, I am super proud of her", he said on that occasion of the song that from that moment he told his fans was "one of the most beautiful songs that I am going to give you."

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