King The Magician earns praise from his fans for a photo with The Goddess: "Like a millionaire guy from Dubai"

King The Magician and The Goddess impress on Instagram with a touch of glamor and deep reflection.

Rey El Mago y La Diosa © Instagram / Rey El Mago
King The Magician and The Goddess Photo © Instagram / King The Magician

The Cuban producerRey El Mago shared an endearing photograph on Instagram with his wife, the well-known artist La Diosa.. The image, which shows the couple dressed in black posing in a garden, was accompanied by a reflection that resonates with their followers:"It's not about people, the goal is heaven".

This message has been interpreted by many as a declaration of their shared aspirations and values, focused on continuing to grow as artists.

The publication has not only captured attention for the good couple they make but also for the palpable chemistry between the two, to whom they have dedicated dozens of compliments for how well they look in black, especially to Rey El Mago, who shared the photo on his Instagram profile.

With this latest publication, Rey El Mago and La Diosa continue to consolidate their image as one of the most stable and admired couples in the Cuban artistic scene.

This gesture of love and unity demonstrates once again that despite the demands of their careers, both artists prioritize their relationship above all else.

"Hey, that photo lasts. How good they look. Super. Rey looks like one of those millionaires from Dubai, ugh super nice", "Classic European touch. I like it. Blessings my favorite family","Rey can be pretty when he puts his mind to it", "Pretty and elegant the Goddess", "Duraaaaa. That's it, stay away from controversy and focus on proving that you have achieved in a short time what many have longed for for years and have not been able to", "Prettiest couple impossible" or"Mimi my respects, but how cute and good this King is, oh! jjjjjj", are some of the comments they left for the couple.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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